Tuesday, August 16, 2011

La Casa de al Lado Capitulo 35

In the telenovela La Casa de al Lado Capitulo 35, note that the spoke quietly to Eva (Felicia Mercado) is Matias. He said that he could not believe that they have been found, and asked to submit jobs offered Renato (Daniel Lugo). Meanwhile, the arrival of Hilda (Sofia Lama) and Emilio (Gabriel Valenzuela) from Mexico was greeted with a surprise party. A message on the wall addressed to Javier (Miguel Varoni), was found by Karen, they call it a killer. 

When the party is in progress, Conde out of the house and suddenly heard gunshots. Then Renato said that it is Ignacia (Catherine Siachoque) who carried a gun, he said also that she had killed Gonzalo (Gabriel Porras). What has been said by Renato, making everyone believe that Ignacia had killed Gonzalo. However Ignacia found out, that Gonzalo has not died. And the people request that Gonzalo was immediately taken to hospital for surgery.

Then, Emilio told Carola (Ximena Duque), Ignacia told Gonzalo that before the shooting occurred. And when Pilar (Maritza Rodriguez) arrives at the hospital, Ignacia saw and she ran. Meanwhile, Rebeca (Karla Monroig), asked to Matthias about what had happened between him and Eva.

Up here a synopsis of the telenovela La Casa de al Lado Capitulo 35, to find out how the full story, you can see on the television screen. Sorry if something is wrong in this synopsis and thank you.


About Me

I am a person who wants to help the fans of telenovela, by submitting a synopsis of some of the currently popular telenovela. But I'm sorry, if the synopsis telenovela in this blog there is something wrong.

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