Amorcito Corazon Capitulo 4
Synopsis telenovela Amorcito Corazon Capitulo 4: Alvaro (Pietro Vanucci) propose to Zoe (Grettell Valdez) to continue living together, and he was willing to keep everyone can run their own lives. Meanwhile, Isabel (Elizabeth Alvarez) continue talks with Fernando, she proposed to him to speak with his daughter, Isabel then went to look for Marisol and it turns out she was not there, because Marisol had gone to buy a bus ticket to Acapulco. And Juancho (Amozurrutia Diego), have a desire to search for Marisol to Mexico City.
Meanwhile, Beba (Mariana Karr) and Hortensia (Macaria) trying to find Willy (Daniel Arenas) are disappearing. And at a party held in their neighborhood, he told his friends that Lucia (Africa Zavala) will soon be attracted to him, then his friends tease him. In his speech, Father Benito (Ruben Cerda) say thank you to Sister Lucia, who has provided support. While he was shocked after realizing that she is a nurse who had helped him. At the party, he was involved conflict with Jaibo, because there is a misunderstanding with his wife.
Marisol becomes heartbroken when she sees Juancho, but Juancho not notice her, then Juancho're using headphones.
Such a synopsis of the telenovela Amorcito Corazon Capitulo 4, see the full story on the television screen. I apologize if there is something wrong in this synopsis, and thanks for listening.
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