Friday, August 19, 2011

Dos Hogares Capitulo 39

Synopsis telenovela Dos Hogares Capitulo 39: When Mara (Marisol Santacruz) is discussing with Cristobal (Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo), she was slapped and then she left. Meanwhile, Dayana (Ana Bekoa) called by Oscar (Pablo Magallanes), then Oscar tells her that there is a big job so it should go to Mexico.

Jennifer (Malillany Marin) came to the gym, where she rampage and attacked George (Jose Carlos Femat). Meanwhile, Angelica (Anahi), told the Santiago (Carlos Ponce), that all she accomplished without the help of his mother, then he asked where she was, but Angelica away. Meanwhile, Dario (Victor Noriega) told Ricardo (Sergio Goyri) that he, along with Yolanda (Joanna Benedek).

Devastated, Angelica spoke to Beatriz (Elizabeth Valdez), and then she said, that she must choose one. Meanwhile, Armando (Alfredo Adame) heckled by Jennifer, who said that she was employed by Abril and she accepted.

The presence of Ricardo in the stock market, became the talk of Patricia (Olivia Collins) with her friend who is a politician. Meanwhile, Pamela (Moore Mishalska), are talking about a plan to bankrupt the group KNG, by Eleazar (Carlos Bonavides).

What will be done by Pamela's next? watch telenovela Dos Hogares Capitulo 39 on the television screen. And sorry if there is something wrong in this synopsis, thank you.


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I am a person who wants to help the fans of telenovela, by submitting a synopsis of some of the currently popular telenovela. But I'm sorry, if the synopsis telenovela in this blog there is something wrong.

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